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Populate New Combo Box based on other Combo Box Value

Registered: Jul 9 2010
Posts: 4

I am trying to figure out how to populate a new combo box based on a value from another combo box.


Combo Box1 has the values: Option 1, Option 2, Option 3

If user selects Option 1, I would like Combo2 to appear with the values: A, B, C

If user selects Option 2, I would like Combo3 to appear with the values: D, E, F

If user selects Option 3, I would like Combo4 to appear with the values: G, H, I

I cannot figure out how to make this happen. Some help would be great!! :)

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you looked at Thom Parker's tutorial about this?

[url=]Changing Another Field with Combo Box (Drop Down) Selection[/url]

George Kaiser