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Populating identical field on several pages

Registered: May 30 2008
Posts: 2

Hello, I have an 10 page application form that I am working on and there are several fields that appear on each page. For example on the top right hand corner of the page the "name" and "phone number" fields show up on each page.

How can i set it up so i don't have to type the name on each page, so that once i put the name on page 1 all the other pages will with have the name field populated automatically (and should only be read only)?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jan 16 2008
Posts: 4
I too am struggling with this.

I use Acrobat Professional / Windows. I do not use LiveCycle Designer.

I understand that I can copy a field to another page, etc. and the field will "autofill" with whatever a user enters at the first instance however,
copying a field does not allow you to change the property to read only on the subsquent fields. The "Read only" property is valuable because the tab function doesn't recognize the field and the forms user is not bothered by having to tab past the already completed field.

Thank you. I sure hope someone has an answer.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Since any text field with the same name will take on all the poroperties of another field with the same name, one can not use just one field. You need to create an input field with all the input edit and validation scripts. Then you will need a second field or more with the same name, but not the name of the inpupt field, set to read only and formatted as necessary.

You can add an "On "Blur" scirpt to the input field to set the vale of the other field(s). The script woudl be:

this.getField("Additional").value = event.value; // set the value of the fields named "Additional" to the curren field's value

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 16 2008
Posts: 4
Thank you. Works perfectly.