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Is this possible? Curved fields in forms, fields for photos in forms?

Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 2

I have a client I'm creating postcards for, and they'd like the addresses, headlines, and offers to be custimizable on their end, using the full version of Acrobat 8. I initially told them this was possible, as I thought it would work by essentially making these postcards into forms. Now I'm not sure it will work, as I have curved text. The client was also wondering if this is possible to do with photos as well - as in making a photo field?

I guess my main question is: Is it possible to create form fields that are not straight lines, and can I create a field for a photo, which isn't in a straight line?

Thank you so much for helping!!!

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Comments are the only interactive object I have seen that allow non-rectrangular shapes.

George Kaiser