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Prepopulate form with iText, then allow form completion by user

Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 3

Hi all,
Most of the discussion about privileges in pdf forms seems to be about locking the thing down. I'm having problems in the other direction.
I have a website where a user, after login, can download pdf forms. Since I already know a few things about the user, I can prefill some of the fields (using iText). Then, after the user downloads the pdf, I would like them to be able to complete the form on their own computer before printing it out, signing it and sending it back to me by snailmail. Note that since I want the user to be able to complete the form in multiple sessions, I have enabled form saving for these pdfs.
The problem I'm running into is that after I have prefilled some of the form dynamically and served it up to the user, they are not able to complete the form. Instead, when I open the pdf in Reader 9, I get the following message:
'This document enabled extended features in Adobe Reader. The document has been changed since it was created and use of extended features is no longer available. Please contact the author for the original version of this document.'
How do I allow my users to complete the form after I have partially prefilled it?
By the way, I am aware of alternative approaches to form completion, such as using digital signatures, but these are not feasible in my scenario.
I would appreciate any help.

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
The problem seems to be with iText, in that it's not modifying and saving the document in a way that preserves the usage rights, as Acrobat or Reader would. Have you tried contacting the iText developers to see if it can be fixed?
Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 3
Hi George,

We did the next best thing: we bought 'iText in Action', and it helped us solve the problem. As you suspected, it was a matter of saving the document so that usage rights were not clobbered.

Thanks very much for your help.

Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
If you send XDP data to the buffer instead of the merged PDF, the Extended rights will still be available for the end-users.

For more info:
Populate PDF FDF XDP with ADOnet dataset using FDFToolkitnet