I'm not too familiar with Adobe , but I have a task to place forms on company's intranet. The problems is that these forms save data is accessed via IE. I need prevent form saving even if users have autosave turned on. I came across IRS website and they have form that do not autosave. I have no idea where this property might be or how to modify it. Any help is appreciated
There are a number of documents dealing with this issue:
Document Security User Guide http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/doc_sec_user_guide_9.pdf
Adobe Reader 7: Minimizing Exposure of Personal Information on Public Computers http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/ReaderOnPublicComputers.pdf
The more recent IRS forms turn off the auto cache in the PDF, but this will only work when the user is using a product of version 7 or better.
George Kaiser