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Prevent target URL from opening

Registered: Jul 10 2011
Posts: 9

Hi All,
After filling up a form and clicking the submit button, is there a way of preventing the browser from opening the target URL??
Here's the situation -
1. My form data is processed by a PHP script whose URL is,say, - http://localhost/submitform.php
2. On clicking submit, the browser opens up this URL. I need to stop this.
Is there some way to do this?
Thanks and Regards

Sameer Chebbi

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
What do you want to happen instead?
Registered: Jul 10 2011
Posts: 9
Let me put it from an end-user perspective.
The user should fill in the form, hit the submit button and that's it. The screen should remain as it is.
No new window/tabs appearing.

Is that possible at acrobat end? or should i incorporate some "close-this-window" code into the server side script?

Thanks and regards

Sameer Chebbi

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
Your script just needs to return an HTTP response status code of "204 No Content".