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Print only selected items in a list box

Registered: Nov 23 2009
Posts: 7

Is there a way to print only the selected items in a list box? I have a long list and if any of the selected items fall below the fold they do not show up when printed.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.6, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
This appears to be a variation of your [url=]adding multiple selected items from a list box to a text box[/url].

When you reference the value of you list box with the multiple selection enabled so you can use the 'join()' method to create a list of these items or loop through the items. This is all custom JavaScript coding. You will need to have a method to detect an array vs a single item.
try {// assume value is an arrayevent.value = this.getField('List Box1').value.join(', ');} catch(e) {// trap error when not an array - so use value onlyevent.value = this.getField('List Box1').value;}

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 23 2009
Posts: 7
Thank you that did the trick