I'm using adobe acrobat pro 9 to create data forms.
Unfortunately the program, pro 9, does not have a drop down box to select mutiple or a string of calculations in a single field. ( it does allow simple sum and product calculations but not division or a combinations of calculations in a single field)
The calculation I need to perform is to take the sum of a field and divide that sum by 365 and then mutiply it by another field in the form.
for example the formula in excel looks like this: = D13/365*D15.
Adobe does let you creat a custom java script to perform a similar function but I dont know the correct javascrip code to perform the calculation.
Can you help me formulate the correct java script?
Thank you for your help
event.value = (this.getField("D13").value/365)*this.getField("D15").value
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