I recently installed the FDF Toolkit on a Windows server with IIS/6.0, and I'm having problems getting one of the sample forms, ParsePDF.pdf, to run correctly with the ASP file, ParseFDF.
When I submit the form over the web so that it will write to an Access database, for some reason all the fields get written to the database twice! But, if I just open up the form on the server, fill in the fields, and hit the submit button, I'll get the desired single entry in the database.
I thought the problem might be related to the fact that I was sending ALL of the form fields when I hit the submit button, which was causing the SUBMIT button to also be sent. And so I changed it to only submit the three fields of interest, which you can see in this screen shot -- [url]http://www.buffalostate.edu/centers/chsr/FieldSelectionBox.pdf [url]. Unfortunately, that didn't solve the problem, and I'm not sure what to do. (I even created a simple ASP file with the same fields, and found that it only writes the data once to the database, leading me to think that the problem is localized in either the Fillable pdf, or the FDF Toolkit.)
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
p.s. In case it helps, I've included two different versions of the ASP/SQL code that both produce double entries.
objRS.Open "Survey1","dsn=Survey",2,2
objRS("Respondent") = customerName
objRS("Address") = customerAddress
objRS("Selection") = customerComboBox
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Survey1 (Respondent,Address,Selection) VALUES ('" & customerName & "' , '" & customerAddress & "' , '" & customerComboBox & "')"