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Problem with exporting form data

Registered: Feb 7 2008
Posts: 5

I have a form with data collected into a dataset, using Acrobat Professional 8 for PC.

I can see all of the data from the returned forms in the dataset. However, whenever I try and export to .csv, I get a single field with each of the returned forms' names populating it.

When I click on Forms --> Manage form data, the export data is shaded (and thus I can only click on Merge Data Files into Spreadsheet).

On the Acrobat toolbar, there is an icon for exporting data. Again, when I try to export to .csv, I only get the single fields.

Is this an Acrobat for PC problem, or am I doing something wrong?

Antonio Rodriguez
Asst. Dir., Administration
Columbia Scholastic Press Association
(212) 854-9400 * ar245 [at] columbia [dot] edu

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.1, Windows
Registered: Jan 30 2008
Posts: 4
I have the same problem for exporting form data to spread sheet.
I am also using Acrobat8 on PC.

I would appreciate if some one can help us.
Registered: Feb 7 2008
Posts: 5
Hello all:

Fortunately for me, one of my co-workers was "monkeying around" with the data repository file and found that the individual files that were feeding data were all secured with restrictions.

Once she removed the security settings from the individual files, she removed the references from the data file, re-merged the data and the CSV file exported like a pro.

Hope that helps you bybacha.


Antonio Rodriguez
Asst. Dir., Administration
Columbia Scholastic Press Association
(212) 854-9400 * ar245 [at] columbia [dot] edu

Registered: Feb 28 2008
Posts: 10
Hello Tony,
I am having exactly the same problem. Glad you got it solved, but please tell us how to remove the references from the data file? (what menu item and such...) thanks.
Registered: Feb 28 2008
Posts: 10
Again, my data file is in xml form. What's your data file format? I can't open xml form in acrobat, like to know how is yours. Thanks.