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Radio Button form fields

Registered: Dec 30 2009
Posts: 15

1) I have many radio buttons in a form I have created. Some of the fields have questions where there are two or more radio buttons that the user can choose from to answer each question.

For example:

❑ Enclosed
❑ Lost or Destroyed – I certify that the contract is lost or destroyed.

In the question above, I am not able to allow the user to tab from the 1st button to the next. Currently, when the user tabs into this question, he/she will tab to the 1st button, but if he/she tabs again, he/she will end up on the next question instead of just the next button.

I need to know how I can fix this issue so that the user can tab through each individual button and not just each question. Does that make sense?

2) I am also having another problem where I have a multi-line field. When the user finishes typing on the first line, then tabs to the next line, the text from the previous line is automatically being repeated to the following line.

How can I fix this so that the user can tab to the next line and type new text into that line?

Please let me know.
Thank you!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 2 2009
Posts: 36
Re. your first question, I just posted the following reply on another question (

cwparks wrote:
It's my understanding that that's how radio buttons work -- you tab *into* the group, then use the arrow keys to move *between* the buttons in the group.I might be missing something here, but I just opened Excel's Sort dialog, and that's what happens -- you tab to each Ascending/Descending pair, but if you want to choose a different button within that pair, you use the arrow key to move to that button.
Re. the second issue -- it sounds to me like each of your line fields has the same name, so Acrobat treats them as if they were the same field. Try adding a different number to the end of each field name (1, 2, 3, etc.).