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Reader 9 Print Button Specify Tray Selection

Registered: Nov 19 2010
Posts: 3

Is there a way to create a print button with specific tray selection settings and place it on the fillable PDF form that opens with Adobe Reader 9?
It would easier for the user to not have to select print>>properties>>tray selection.

Thank You

My Product Information:
Reader 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
No. That selection is entirely dependent upon the features of printer that is being used and Acrobat/Reader has no knowledge of the specific features of any printer.

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 19 2010
Posts: 3
Thank you for a quick response. Is there a way to add PCL codes to a PDF document so it would know based on the PCL Code where to direct the print Job?

Thank You

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You will probably need to write a special plugin.

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 19 2010
Posts: 3
How do I change the page size of my pdf document to A4 so it will force a manual feed?

Thank You