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Reader Extensions save limit of 500

Registered: May 3 2006
Posts: 5

Hi, I'm aware of the 500 save limit on the Reader Extensions or 500 unique users per form. My question is what is considered a different form? If I added something new to an existing base layout of the form such as the letter A or a number 1, or other characters, would that form be considered a new form?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
For what it's worth, there is no "save limit" imposed by the Acrobat License Agreement.

I think it would be extremely difficult to justify making trivial changes like you describe as a way to avoid any licensing restrictions. If you are collecting the same data for the same purpose, it's the same form.

If you're truly bumping up against the licensing limitations, consider the Form Router Reader Extensions service:

Registered: May 3 2006
Posts: 5
Hi George, thanks for your reply. It makes sense, I've already contacted Formrouter and I'm currently gathering information on their pricing per form, etc. Are there other Adobe partners that provide a similar service like Formrouter?

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
I believe they are the only one.
