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refresh contents of text field based on combo box

Registered: Mar 18 2010
Posts: 18


I have a text field "UNIT PRICE" - it is formatted to display a different currency based on the currency selected in combo box "Currency".

When a value is already entered in UNIT PRICE and the user realises they picked the wrong currency and changes it, the format of UNIT PRICE does not change (eg if £ was selected, then $ picked instead - the format remains £XX.XX...)

if (this.getField("Currency").value == "USD $" ){ 
AFNumber_Format(2, 0, 0, 0,"$", true)};
if (this.getField("Currency").value == "GBP £" ){ 
AFNumber_Format(2, 0, 0, 0,"£", true)};
if (this.getField("Currency").value == "EUR €" ){ 
AFNumber_Format(2, 0, 0, 0,"€", true)};
if(event.value == "$0.00") event.value = '';
if(event.value == "£0.00") event.value = '';
if(event.value == "€0.00") event.value = '';

Is there a way to make UNIT PRICE refresh when "Currency" is changed? (I have the same code on another field 'TOTAL PRICE' which, I assume, because of the calculation it performs, it refreshes itself every time I change the combobox option)


PS I'm quite sure this is far from the simplest way to have written this code, forgive my newbie-ness

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 18 2010
Posts: 18
oh I think I've figured this out myself - I moved the code from the Format section to the Custom Calculation section and now it's working :)