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Regarding Field Validation in Acrobat Form

Registered: Mar 17 2010
Posts: 4

Hi all,

This is my first post to this forum, I am new to this.
I am creating one form in acrobat reader 6 I am having field like date, email,

I am facing problem in validating the email field how to validate this and and also the date field what I want is whan user enter the date like "21122010" it will automatically format it into "21/12/2010" Please help me how to do this, as it is very urgent .

THanks in advance


Registered: Jan 2 2006
Posts: 146
To let them type in all numbers is very complicated. You would need your own Format action for a dd/mm/yyyy format. I would suggest just using a Custom date format and entering dd/mm/yyyy and just deal with forcing them to enter the slashes. You could also use our free tool to add a calendar to your form and they could just pick the date.

The easiest way to add an e-mail validation would be to use our free tool.

Jim Healy
FormRouter, Inc.
Check out our FREE Advanced Acroform Toolset:

Jim Healy, Founder & CEO FormRouter Inc.
Chapter Leader AUG RTP NC

Registered: Mar 17 2010
Posts: 4
Hi Jim,

Thanks for Reply, Now My Main concern is date validation I want to validate the date with format dd/mm/yyyy so how can I do that please help me this is very very urgent..

Thanks Again
Registered: Jan 2 2006
Posts: 146
I would suggest just using a Custom date format and entering dd/mm/yyyy and just deal with forcing them to enter the slashes.
That is the solution. Just go to Properties of the field, then go to Format, pick Date, then pick Custom then enter dd/mm/yyyy in the field.

Jim Healy
FormRouter, Inc.
Check out our FREE Advanced Acroform Toolset:

Jim Healy, Founder & CEO FormRouter Inc.
Chapter Leader AUG RTP NC