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Removing traces of previous entries from pdf forms

Registered: Aug 10 2007
Posts: 2

This is probably a simple question, but I can't seem to figure it out myself. I also looked on the boards, but couldn't find an answer. So if one exists, I apologize for starting a new thread and ask that you just point me to the original.

I have created a form that I am using to submit the pdf with it's form filled out via email. This works well, but whenever I use the same pdf to enter new data into the form again, the "auto-complete" option shows previous entries. I know this can be turned off in the reader, but I would like to stop it whether the end user has this setting turned on or not.

I would like to turn this off, because the information being submitted can be personal or sensitive. Can someone please tell me how to secure the data being entered into the form?


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Minimizing exposure of personal information on public computers for Adobe Reader 7 (PDF, 763 KB)
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from the Acrobat SDK documentation page, " . Although written for version 7 of Reader it applies to all versions and variations of Acrobat. You also might want to add a form reset upon opening if the form is being opened within a browser window.

George Kaiser