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Report Card Score

Registered: Jul 12 2008
Posts: 3

Hello all,

Sorry as this may sound like a simple question but I am just new to Adobe and trying to figure out this problem.

I am currently trying to build a report card throgh LiveCycle Designer 8.0, which will allow the users to enter a score of A,B,C,D. The goal at the end is to take the sum of all of the scores and return an average in the value of a letter (A,B,C,D)

I have setup my score entry fields and on the total I am using an average calculation, but obviously it only returns a "0".

How would I go about assigning the values to the letters and returing the same value.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Are the scores being entered by a drop down box or text?

Sum and Avg will treat non-numeric values as zero, so you need to provide a numeric equivalent value for each grade.

So if you used a DropDownList LiveCycle Designer can automatically assign a numeric value to each item list or you can override the value. If a Text field you will have to write some code.

Misspelleres of the world: Untie!

George Kaiser

Registered: Jul 12 2008
Posts: 3
I suppose then it would be easier to use the drop down list.

Will this then give an average score at the bottom as a letter, or would it average out the numeric value?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
If you use a drop down list the user input can be limited to the allowable entries and for a text field you might want to add some validation code. The "Avg()" function will compute a numeric average and the "Sum()" function will compute a numeric sum from which you will need to compute the average. Once you get the average number you will need to use either the "if" or "switch" statement to assign a letter value to the result.

George Kaiser