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Repost of question- Form Fields Remember Previous Entries.

Registered: Nov 3 2007
Posts: 44

Hi... Already posted this question once but the response did not answer the question. The response was on how to hide and show fields. That is not what I am looking for. I know how to create pdf that are fillable in Acrobat 8 Pro but how do you make the fields remember previous inputted data? Like Google does when you use the same searchs or inputting your address so you don't have to retype it everytime but you don't want it to auto-pop. It is created in Acrobat but used in reader. Another example is a field nameds (Name) and in the box I type "John Smith". Then if I hit reset and I go to the "Name" Field if I click on that field it will show me John Smith as an option like in Googles Search Bar. It shows all previous entries for quick selection.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi excelgeek,

Under Edit -> Preferences -> Forms (in both Pro and Reader) there is an option called Auto-Complete. The Advanced option states-
"The advanced auto-complete feature stores the information you enter into form fields and uses these entries to suggest relevant choices as you type into a field. If there are probable matches for a field, tabbing into that field will automatically display a list of them. If there is a very probable match, it will be entered in the field automatically. Pressing Tab while the pointer is over an entry in the list chooses the entry and moves to the next field."

I played around a bit with this since I have never used it before. Unfortunately, I was not able to get Acrobat or Reader to remember more than the last entry made- it never showed a list of options from the last several entries made. You can play around with it to see for yourself how it works.

Also, this is a preference setting that any users of the form would have to set themselves in thier copy of Reader- there is no option for adding this as a feature to a particular form for distribution.

Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions, Inc