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response file error

Registered: Feb 25 2011
Posts: 2

I want to distribute a Form which I have digitally signed. Some completed fields are locked by my signature.
The addressee needs to complete the Form and sign it too(electronic signature).
When I want to distribute the From I got the message:
"Acrobat is not able to create a usable response file from the returned form because the form restricts needed opertaions."
Can anyone give me some suggestions how I can get it work?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Accepted Answer
The form distribution wizard, as part of the distribution process, enables the form with Reader Rights. If the form has been signed it can't do this. Signatures can only be applied after the form is enabled.

Your workflow is outside the box. You can do this, but you'll have to use the distribution wizard creatively. You'll have to do some testing to work out the details but try this, as a start. Run a clean form through the distribution wizard, Don't send it to anyone, just run it through the process. Sign the distributable form and then email it to yourself (like your a user). Now fill it out, sign it, and submit.

I don't know if this sequence will work. But its the kind of thing you'll need to do. The distribution wizard has to come first because of the enabling.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Feb 25 2011
Posts: 2
Thanks Tom for your tips.

It works using following flow:
1) submitted the unsigned form to my own e-maila address
2) opened the form and signed it
3) saved the signed document in the original folder with the same file-name (filename_distrubuted.pdf)
4) e-mail the signed form to the user from the folder (windows explorer - send to mail recipient)
5) The user can fill-in the form signe it en distrubuted in the usal way. responses can be processed too.

As I said It works but I'm not please with the extra steps. Does anyone has ideas to speed up this process?
