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Save FDF as PDF on Server

Registered: Apr 13 2010
Posts: 4

Using classic asp and the FDF toolkit I can populate and save a form as an fdf file. I can also send a pdf to a browser. If the user clicks save he can save the completed form as a pdf on his local pc. Is there a way to programmatically save the form as a pdf on the server?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
>> Is there a way to programmatically save the form as a pdf on the server?You could submit the data (FDF/xFDF/XDP/XML) to a server side script (ASPX). The script would need to use a 3rd party component, such as iText, iTextSharp, or, to merge the PDF data and a blank PDF that's on your server.

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