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Saving a fillable form

Registered: Jun 26 2007
Posts: 8

I am brand new to this. How do I create a fillable form that a user can fill in and hit a Save Button to save it? Is there any tutorial available for this?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi yaip,

A good place to start would be to navigate to the How To section of this site, in the Advanced Search panel on the right you'll see List Tutorials by Subject- choose "Forms" and watch a few of the videos and/or read articles listed that are about creating fillable forms. There is enough there to keep you occupied for a while and will give you a good grounding in creating fillable forms with Acrobat.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jun 26 2007
Posts: 8
I guess what I am keen to know is that is the filled in form savable?
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi yaip,

Sure the form is savable all the time if you have Acrobat Pro or Standard. If you want the form to be saved by people with only the free Adobe Reader then you have to add Reader Save Rights to the form. This can only be done with Acrobat 8 Professional or later. You indicate you are using Acrobat 7 Pro- unfortunately this feature is not available in version 7.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jun 26 2007
Posts: 8
I have CS2 Premium. If I want to upgrade, what are my options? Can you provide a link?
Registered: Feb 10 2006
Posts: 10
Hi there,

You can easily upgrade from CS2 Premium to CS3.3 Premium -- which includes Acrobat 9 Pro. Adobe store link is: regards,

Stephanie Baartz-Bowman
Principal Product Marketing Manager, Acrobat

Registered: Feb 1 2009
Posts: 1
I have opened a form with Reader 9. When I start to fill it, I get a notice advising that the filled in form is printable, but that the form cannot be saved except in blank. Someone has suggested that after I fill in the form, I try "save as", but I don't get the "save as" option when I go to File.

Is this problem because I'm using Reader 9? Is there a different Adobe product (preferably free) that would give me the "save as" option?
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
abeladr wrote:
I have opened a form with Reader 9. When I start to fill it, I get a notice advising that the filled in form is printable, but that the form cannot be saved except in blank. Someone has suggested that after I fill in the form, I try "save as", but I don't get the "save as" option when I go to File.Is this problem because I'm using Reader 9? Is there a different Adobe product (preferably free) that would cure give me the "save as" option?
If there is no "Save As" in your file menu of Adobe Reader the form has not been enabled for the Reader to be saved.
Then you only can print out the form.
If you know the author of the form, ask him to enable the usage rights.

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