I have a Form which once filled in needs to be saved with the name as Serial ID , ( for example 123546.pdf , templace name may be form1.pdf ) similar to the one that is generated by the JavaScript inside the form using some custom script.
At present user can save the filled in form using the Save As option and then giving the same name to the form as is available in the Generated Form Id.
Is there a way , so that the form can be automatically be saved with the dynamically generated Id as the saved file name. Also then this form needs to be send by email, there too the serial number is of importance which can be handled if the form is emailed with the name similar to the serial number.
Please suggest some way to ensure that the filled in forms when received by email and automatically saved in a folder are with different name . else the forms would overwrite the previous one received.
I have the requirement to obtain the filled in froms over email , store them in a folder and then process the forms by extracting the data.
Suggestion for this activity would be of immense help.
Warm Regards
pramod kumar
Mumbai, India.
1. Have the user install a custom folder level script that you have written specifically for saving the form.
2. Certifiy the document so that document scirpts can perform privileged operations. You'll need to send the certifying signature to all users to make this work.
And of course the PDF has to be Save Enabled for this to work in Reader.
However, I think there is a better solution. Since you have Acrobat 8 and are really interested in collecting data from the users, use the "Distribute forms" function built into Acrobat. It's under the "Forms" menu. You can read about this feature in the Acrobat Help file. Lori Defurio has also recorded a video on forms that demonstrates this feature. You'll find it at "Lori's corner" on this web site.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script