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Saving pdf forms

Registered: Mar 8 2007
Posts: 6

For the following queston from Tommer"... how to make my form (created on Adobe Pro 8 and Live Cycle Designer 8) able to be accessed and saved from Acro Reader V8 to a hard drive location for re-editing of the data at a later time...."

you have replied:
A:Hi Tommer,
Thanks for the version info. That is interesting you are not able to get this to work, we've done this many times with no problem in the exact scenario you listed (XFA designed form opened in Acrobat 8 Pro, Enable Usage Rights applied, save, then open in Reader 8, fill and save.)
Are you using the option under Advanced ->Enable Usage Rights, not the Enable Commenting Rights option?
My own questions:
1.Do I need Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro AND Live Cycle Designer 8 installed to get this featue work?
2. Is Live Cycle Designer 8 a built-in part in Adobe 8 Pro?
3. Is there any limitation in Acrobat 8 Pro to apply this feature?
I have currently installed with Acrobat 7 Pro ( and soon to upgrade to Acrobat 8 Pro) in my Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 DC 1.86 GHz
with 2GB RAM and Windows XP SP 2 based pc (soon to upgrade to Vista).

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Formsman,

1.No you don't need to have both installed to use the Usage Rights features of Acrobat 8 Professional, nor do you have to create your form in LC Designer either- you can create the form in Acrobat and apply the rights. BUT... Live Cycle Designer 8 is included in the box with Acrobat 8- in other words, when you buy Acrobat 8 Pro you get LC Designer 8 too.

2. While LiveCycle Designer is included with Acrobat they are completely separate programs so I would not say LC Designer is "built-in"- you simply get two programs for one price. Having said that, in Acrobat 8 when you choose the menu item "Create a New Form" the LC Designer program is automatically launched- a pretty powerful hook.

3.I'm not sure what you mean by "limitation." Applying the Usage Rights in Acrobat 8 Professional itself is not limited if you mean how many times can you enable a form, but there are restrictions to how many times the forms you enable can be filled out- you should read the EULA for specifics. Duff Johnson has posted the EULA at his blog here at

Keep in mind,Acrobat 8 Professional is not formally compatible with Vista yet.

Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions