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Script Button can remember previous instance page

Registered: Dec 14 2007
Posts: 94

Hi There,

Is there any script where you click button and bring you back where you were left at? Like for example if I was in the page 3 and click the help button after I clicked the help button will bring me all the way to the last page and when I'm done and click back button will bring me to the previous page where I was.

Please advice and thanks for your time.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi libraboy,

Sure. Look up the goBack method under the App object in the Acrobat JavaScript Reference.

Or even easier, just set the Action for the button to execute a menu item and choose the View-Go-To-Previous-View from the list.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Dec 14 2007
Posts: 94
Hi Dimitri,

Thanks for your reply! I am using LC and I have tried everything and searched this forum but no luck. Are you talking javascript about acroform?

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi libraboy,

Yes, I was referring to AcroForms in Acrobat. I missed your Product information said LiveCycle form because this is in the Acrobat Form category. I'm not sure how to do this in a LiveCycle PDF form, sorry.

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

as LCD does not include a function to go back to the previous page, you need scripting.

1. Create a form variable "PageNav" under "File > Form Properties > Variables" with the value "null".2. Create a script object "Navigation" with a function named "Pages".
function Pages(PageNumber){// Write the page number to the form variablexfa.form.Form1.variables.PageNav.value = PageNumber;}

3. Create a button on the masterpage and add this script.
This Button is used to jump to the page you came from.
// Read the value of the form variable "PageNav"var PreviousPage = xfa.form.Form1.variables.PageNav.value;// Covert the string to a numberPreviousPage = Number(PreviousPage);// Jump to the page = PreviousPage -1;

4. For all you buttons you use to jump to different form pages add this script.
// Get the current page number and convert it into a stringvar PageNumber =;// Call the function from the scriptobject that write the// pagenumber to the form variableNavigation.Pages(PageNumber); // Jump to desired page - This part is different for each = 2;


LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Dec 14 2007
Posts: 94
Hi Radz,

can you please be more specific? I am new with LC and don't understand your code. Can you be able to provide me a sample?
