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A script feature in form

Registered: Aug 13 2008
Posts: 3

I have a form with a number of form field, numeric and text.

I would like to do the following when a user opens the PDF form.

1. Disable PRINT and SAVE function.

2. allow user to enter the items in the fields.

3. Test if all fields are completed, if not, do not enable print and save.

4. If completed, enable saveas and print icon.



My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
1. Not possible, but there are hooks to add JS code to perform any number of tasks before and after printing and saving a form. So one could lable the form with a big message printed across the form.

2. That is what LiveCycle Designer creates.

3. This code would need to be custom written unless the form is submitted to a web script page which can do the checking.

4. With special extended rights.

George Kaiser