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Secure forms on return

Registered: Oct 23 2007
Posts: 8

Hi Folks,
Has anyone been able to get the "Secure forms on return" checkbox to work in Acrobat/LiveCycle Designer 8.1?
I've got the exact same question as this fellow:
Which was addressed, but did not get answered.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636

After further research, it appears that the Acrobat Help documentation wasn't specific when it stated that the form originator need a digital ID as a requirement for the "Secure forms on return" to work. Specifically, the form originator needs a Certified Document Service -- see the following URL for more information:

Partners that can chain to the Adobe Root certificate can provide the Secure forms on return functionality.

Thanks for pointing out this issue.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Oct 23 2007
Posts: 8
Thanks Lori,

Sometimes, we follow the directions and the product doesn't function as documented. ;)

According to Adobe, the only provider that has embedded javascript to activate the checkbox is GeoTrust. GeoTrust tells me that their $19.95 (per year) certificate will activate the checkbox.
And they have a money-back guarantee.

I plan to try it out in the next week or two; so, I'll let you know how it works.

The "Secure forms on Return" feature is critically important. In many cases it's actually more important than securing the "originataing" form, because the "return" form is the form that has private data in it; like SSN's, etc.

Both Adobe and their partner's seem to be missing a critical function here...

It would be nice if we could just use our locally created certificates, and any other certificates with this feature.
Surely the programmer's at Adobe could do this.

Best Regards,
- Garrett.
Registered: Oct 23 2007
Posts: 8
Hi Lori,

We found out that the support guy we talked to at GeoTrust/Verisign gave
us false information.

Adobe now says that only the keyfob/USB key type of CDS will work in this case, which means you have to buy the more expensive digital certificate.

So, we've decided that this feature is not worth the cost and we're either going to develop a web-based data entry screen with a back-end database over a secure connection, or we'll make the end-users print and mail the filled in forms.

Adobe management says that they will now monitor this forum more often through, so, I guess some good did come of this inquiry...

- GR