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Selectable Email Recipient Button

Registered: Dec 14 2010
Posts: 2

I am looking for a way to send a form to a selected person from a list made in Acrobat. Basically a person fills out the form. Selects a the person from a list and clicks submit. The form is then emailed to the person selected. Is this possible using acrobat 9 pro?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Accepted Answer
Sure it is. If you set up a list or combo box with the list of people, set the export value of each item to the corresponding email address. A script that's called from the submit button would then get the address as the value of the combo/list box and use it with either a submitForm or mailDoc statement. There is a lot of sample code and a tutorial or two that you should be able to find with a search, but post again if you get stuck.
Registered: Dec 14 2010
Posts: 2
That looks like it should work. Now I just have to find some of that sample code. Thanks for your help!