I have a serious issue using PDF attachments that drive me crazy.
- I have a PDF-enveloppe containing a Reader-enabled-PDF-attachment (a form).
The PDF-envelope is Reader-enabled too.
Both made using Acrobat 9.4 Pro.
The issue is that different versions of Reader don't have the same behavior when the end-user filled the form and wants to close the form:
- Reader 7.1 : the yellow bar of death says that the form can be saved, the end-user is prompted to save-as on another location. After being saved the form is no more Reader-enabled.
Behavior not exactly as expected but it's OK since Reader 7 is not supposed to do it.
EDIT (mistake):
- Reader 8.2 : same behavior as Reader 7 but after saving the form is still Reader-enabled.
It's OK.
- Reader 9.4 : the purple bar of death says that the form cannot be saved, and the end-user is not prompted to save, nor prompted about datas loss…
When Extracted or Save-as from Reader, the form is still Reader-enabled and usable as expected.
- Reader X.1 : same as behavior as Reader 9.
This is NOT the expected behavior, and more, IMHO this is a silly and dangerous behavior…
(As the attachment is a long and complex PDF form some not-prompted-to-save users may want to hang me!)
- did I mess something?
- is it a bug?
- Reader-enabling the envelope or not didn't change those behaviors, is it expected ?
- are Reader's team developers serious? ;-)
Here is the link to download my sample files: http://abracadabrapdf.net/parking/Envelopes2test.zip