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Setting image dynamically as a button Icon

Registered: Sep 26 2008
Posts: 3

I have requirement where I need to set dynamic image to a button. I have used FDFSetAP.

I have done below activities already,

1. I am using FDFToolkit.
2. Created a PDF file containing Image (which need to be set as Icon to a button.
3. In the main PDF I have created a button with below attribute.
a. Type : Button
b. Read Only
c. Layout : Icon Only
d. Highlight: None

Below is the piece of Code in aspx.
Dim objFDFApp As FDFACXLib.FdfAppClass
Dim objFDFDoc As FDFACXLib.FdfDoc

objFDFApp = New FDFACXLib.FdfAppClass()
objFDFDoc = objFDFApp.FDFCreate
Const FDFNormalAP As Integer = 0
objFDFDoc.FDFSetAP("icon1",FDFNormalAP, "F:\Icon\icon.pdf", 1)
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.fdf"

I have attached the FDF that is generated,

It do embed the image data as part of Xobject.
BUt Image is not visible when PDF opens,button area is still blank.

Am I missing anything, or is there some setting in reader to enable it.

Please help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Are you able to open the PDF in Acrobat and manually import the FDF?

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
If the FDF references the PDF, you can just open the FDF and the PDF will be opened and the FDF imported as part of the PDF initialization.

George Kaiser