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Settings for others receiving forms created in Acrobat Pro 8.0

Registered: Apr 11 2007
Posts: 8

I am using Acrobat Professional 8.0 to create forms for people to download off of a website and fill in. How can I adjust the settings so that anyone, regardless of what version of Acrobat Reader they have, can fill in the form and save it to their computer to go back to later before submitting? I know it must be possible to do this, but I can't figure out how using the help options.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Giambu560,

Rights enabled forms created with Acrobat 8 Pro that allow saving data in a PDF form using Reader only work if the user has Adobe Reader 7 or higher. The only way for users with earlier versions of Reader to be able to save the data is if the PDF was enabled with another product Adobe sells named LiveCycle Reader Extension Server. This server product carries a hefty price tag that relegates it to mostly very large enterprise clients.

You will need to ask your customers to upgrade to Adobe Reader 7 or higher- hopefully that won't be too much to ask of them since it's Free.

Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions