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Simple Problems but NEW FORMS USER!!

Registered: Dec 12 2009
Posts: 2

I'm new to creating forms in Professional 8, and am experiencing a few "bugs" when I test my final form. Can you help?

-Created the form on a Mac using Professional 8.
-Followed the wizard and used an existing pdf and manually created the fields. Everything fine so far.
-Added a "Submit button" using the editor, selected "entire pdf" as well as the "submit form" in the action list. Typed in the address for the mailto:xxxxx
-Tested the form using Professional 8 by sending it to a PC user (who also has Professional 8). She could fill out the form and submit it back okay. (I'm thinking, "Piece of cake")
-Tested it from an off-site PC computer using just Adobe Reader, and I experienced two problems noted below. (Now I'm realizing "this is not an instant cake mix!!")

Intended use:
I am creating the form for a co-worker to use. She will e-mail the pdf as an attachment to individuals to complete, and she wants the completed form sent back to her in its entirety. I do not want to distribute it from my computer each time she sends it out. Also, I've thought about putting it on our website for downloading but that may be another issue that is too difficult to manuever right now.

-The first is the most troublesome. When I tested the form from a PC off-site using just Adobe Reader, I received the ERROR message, "This operation is not permitted" when I clicked on the submit button. Great! Now I have a form no one can send back. What am I overlooking?

-The second issue is related to the recipient SAVING an electronic copy for their record. Why doesn't Adobe Reader allow the form to be saved? Is it a setting I need to change using Professional before I send it out? Or, is this just inherent in the security of the document?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.4, Macintosh
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
Yes, you need to apply Reader Usage Rights to the document from Acrobat, by going to the Advanced menu and clicking "Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader...".
That should solve the second problem, and probably the first one as well.

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