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Some questions regarding emailing PDF form with Submit button

Registered: Jan 24 2008
Posts: 20

I've been trying to find answers to some questions here and in other places on the Net, and now I'm more confused than ever. I'd appreciate it if someone could clarify the following for me. By the way, I'm using Acrobat 8 Pro, NOT LiveCycle designer.

1. If I set up a Submit button to return a PDF version of the form to an email address, can Acrobat Reader actually do that or can it only return the data?

2. Is it true there is no way to program the submit button to automatically send the results (either PDF version or data) to an email address if the person filling out the form does not have Outlook, Lotus Notes or some other user-side email application installed? In other words, users who don't have these products and who use gmail or other webmail services instead are out of luck?

Here's my situation: Currently, my website for people with disabilities has an application form done in .ASP. When a user at home fills it out and hits submit, an email copy of the data arrives in a secretary's mailbox for processing. That's all it does, there is no database or storage of the data.

Because of problems with the third-party programmer's unwillingness to update this form in a timely manner, I'm trying to see if I can replace it with a PDF form. I have created a form that does it exactly what I need it to do regarding taking in the data. However, I can't figure out how to get it delivered to the secretary, because a number of the people at home who will fill out the application can't afford Outlook or don't have the tech saavy to use a user-side email application. In fact, some of them don't have their own computers and use computers at the library or at school. These folks rely on gmail or hotmail or similar webmail addresses. And many times they're not tech saavy enough to fill out the form, save it locally and then attach it to an email from their web application (or the library, etc., won't allow saving locally).

Does anyone have any thoughts about how I might be able to get the form from the user to the secretary in an as automated fashion as possible? For example, is it possible for the secretary to receive an alert when something is FTP'd to a site that she could then go and pick it up?

Thanks for your help!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Jan 24 2008
Posts: 20
Judging from the resounding silence, am I right in assuming that Acrobat can't help me put an application online in a form that people without Outlook or similar at home can use?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
First mailing PDF forms does not work well for many reasons like users needing to be using Outlook, having Outlook MAPI enabled, does not work well with large forms, etc.

The preferred method is to submit to a web based script page to process the form data and then have the script page perform the e-mail and return the accepted form to the user.

George Kaiser