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Submit and remove user rights

Registered: Sep 7 2010
Posts: 1

Hello everyone!

Im trying to submit a form created in Acrobat Pro with Usage Rights for reader enable. The thing is that I need to send a PDF without Usage Rights enabled, so that the person who receive it cant modify the filled fields.

Maybe with some js code?

Any help will be apreciated.


Registered: Sep 17 2010
Posts: 2
I am also in the same situation but quite opposite.I am trying to submit a form through reader which doesn't have usage rights in it, throwing error that no permissions to do so.

Open ur file in Acrobat pro which is having enable usagae rights. Go to advanced tab select Enable usage rights, this will prompt u a dialog box where in it asks to save a copy with different name or in different location.

open that file and try to edit it, i hope u cant edit that file.


Welcom what ever comes in life with a smile

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
This request is one I also like to see, but Adobe didn't include a mechanism to remove the usage rights via script.
All you can do is to protect all the form fields with a script.

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Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Sep 10 2009
Posts: 28
radzmar -- how would you go about protecting all the form fields with a script? I use Acrobat Pro 9 Extended on both Mac and Windows - so I don't use Livecycle. I want to protect all the fields on the form AFTER the user fills in the information and BEFORE they submit either by printing the form or emailing the form. Thanks!
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You can set the read/only property of the field. And if you want a method to check that the form has not been altered, then you could add a PDF digital signature field and require the users to exchange digital ID certificates.

George Kaiser