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Submit button limitations

Registered: Aug 7 2010
Posts: 12

Creating a form with a submit button that includes the pdf and is submitted to an email address. Form will be posted on the web . . .

I have heard that the submit button works only with MAPI -- is that true?

Are there any other limitations to submitting by email?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
Sending a PDF e-mail attachment using Reader requires a client side email application such as Outlook. Unless you enable usage rights or the client has Acrobat not Reader, you are limited to submitting form data only, such as FDF, XFDF, XML, XDP.

Submitting via Adobe, you have control over the e-mail subject and body, but limited to the generic file attachment name.

However, if you submit the form to a URL or a serverside script, you can parse the data into a database, and/or e-mail the merged form + data. You can also control the subject, body, and file attachment file name with a server-side script.

For more information on sending e-mail via server side scripts, check out,

Hope this can help.
Registered: Aug 7 2010
Posts: 12
Thank you. This information is helpful. After I find out more information from my client, I may be getting back to you about the PDF Email server side scripts that you mentioned.


Registered: Aug 19 2010
Posts: 5
pop up menu for selecting desktop email application option in pdf form

I have created a form with an option to submit by email to our website. but some of our clients are not getting the pop up menu for selecting desktop email application option in pdf form when they click on submit by email option. please help on how to solve this problem