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submit form to e-mail in field

Registered: Nov 5 2008
Posts: 8

I have a form that will go through three steps. First step a person will fill out some basic information, including their e-mail address, then e-mail the form to a supplier to fill out. Then the supplier will hit a submit button to e-mail it back to the e-mail in the field and it will be reviewed and finally sent on to a final e-mail via either manual or submit button.

I would like to have the submit button at the end of the supplier section send the .pdf back via a submit button taht would automatically use the e-mail in the the field.

I am using acrobat 9 standard and I am extending rights to reader which is what a variety of the end users (suppliers) will probably be using.

Can anybody help with if this is possible and the javascript needed to do so?
I've searched all over and am begining to think it's not possible even though I'd guess it should be.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
There are two JavaScript functions for sending the PDF via email, "doc.mailDoc()" and "doc.submitForm()". The target email for both can be easily acqired from a field on the form. This topic has come up many times and there are several posts on this forum about it, including some code. The best place to look them up is of course the Acrobat JavaScript Reference, and look at this article:

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info

The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Nov 5 2008
Posts: 8

Thank you for your responce. Like I said I've run about 10 different searched via google and looked at many responces but none that address the e-mail and work correctly for it (mostly using the mailto:", so sorry for asking instead of looking here first.

Thanks again.