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Text is disappearing

Registered: Feb 19 2009
Posts: 6

I'm a new user of Acrobat Pro 8 on a Mac. I've created a form using an html form and I'm now rearranging the text.

I have a large block of text that is on the second page of the PDF that I'm trying to move up to the first page. When I select the text and try to move it up, it's disappearing - it looks like it's going BEHIND the first page. I can still see the blue outline of the text being selected, but the text itself disappears.

Has anyone had this happen?

Thank you!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 19 2009
Posts: 6
I'm posting a reply to myself because I figured out the issue. I had to cut and paste the text since I was moving it to a different page - you're not able to drag objects to another page.

Thanks! sorry for the newbie question. :)
