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Text Field Help

Registered: Jan 23 2008
Posts: 2

I am wondering how to create a multiline text field that wraps the text onto the next line. Example shown below.

What are your interests?_____________________________________________

Is there a way to merge fields? If so I was thinking that you could create a separate field for the odd sized line and merge it into the field for the bottom two lines. I have exhausted every resource I have and for some reason I can not find an answer. PLEASE HELP.

Thank you,

Jesse Horn
Primate Rescue Center, Inc.
jessehorn [at] primaterescue [dot] org

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.1, Macintosh
Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 165
Jesse...there is not really a way to do that but here's a successful workaround.

1. Get rid of the lines that indicate where to "write" even if you have them on other fields.

2. Just below your question, draw a text field box that is the size of the area you expect people will need. In the properties field for this text field, set it to multi-line, and then, put a thin black border around the field (also via properties).

3. Close and save.

You will then have a box that someone can write in, that looks like that's what they should do. I've used this successfully; works just fine.

Hope this helps....

Acrobat is probably the program I use most often and I'm learning more every day.

Registered: Mar 5 2008
Posts: 1
I am faced with this same problem...I do understand the thinking behind your answer carrimak, but find that it does not satisfy my needs. I am using the form that I am creating for both computer users and non computer users. So I do require that the lines be present so that the non computer user has a line for them to write on. Is there a way to merge lines so that text can flow into the next line and the writting not be interupted by the need for a tab?
Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 165
Hmm....not at the moment; but maybe someone else on the Forum does. I think that Lori Kassuba suggested using RTF (rich text formatting) in the properties selection, but I haven't had a chance to try that out yet to see how it works.

Acrobat is probably the program I use most often and I'm learning more every day.

Registered: Dec 19 2007
Posts: 9
I have a solution given to me by Thom Parker.

I have set it up for 2 text fields: Comments.1, Comments.2
Select your first text field (for me Comments.1)
Under Properties/ Format/ Custom Keystroke Script type in


That should work, but you must deselect Scroll Long Text under Options.
Problem with this is you can't back space, which I am current stomped on.
If anyone has suggestions please do let me know.