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total newbie question - save the PDF form with reader extensions..

Registered: Apr 25 2010
Posts: 24

I am using acrobat 6 professional, so to save the form with reader extension
a) is a separate software needed.

b) How about if you use acrobat 9 professional - read that it comes with the feature already and need not have separate software? is it true.

c) to be able to edit and make changes to the form say adding more controls and field lengths - do you need to work off from a file without reader extension saved?

c) If I create a pdf form in acrobat 9 professional - can it be opened in any acrobat reader less than version 9?

I appreciate, thanks in advance.

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Acrobat Standard 9.3.1
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
a, b) You need Acrobat 9 Pro. No other application can do extend those rights.
c) You can work on the file with the extension, but you will need to re-extend it when you're done.
d) Only if it's saved in a version of PDF that's compatible with the versions the Reader can open.

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