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touchup object tool won't open some phots

Registered: Apr 7 2010
Posts: 4

Every so often I run into a problem of trying to open a photo in PDF with the touchup obect tool. It just say the touch up tool can do this. What can I do to get these photos to open. thanks

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
If you want to edit an image that is embedded in a PDF, the touchup tool only allows you to select, rotate, mirror, copy/paste and relocate the image within the PDF but not to edit it.
You will need another app that is able to edit the image (like Photoshop or Illustrator) .
If you select "edit image" Acrobat tries to open the selected image in this other app, if available.

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Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Apr 7 2010
Posts: 4
There are some grayscale or color images that wont open in photoshop. They are not vector. The problem is open a non vector base image with photoshop with the touchup object tool. Sorry I wasn't clear