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Transfering Form Data

Registered: Dec 9 2006
Posts: 2

I recently upgraded from 5.0. where I knew how to transfer form data from my 2004 tax form schedule D and D1 to my 2005 tax form schedule D and D1. I kept all my stock trades on last years form until the current years form was available and then transfered everything into the current years form. Of course the forms were exactly the same except one said 2004 and one 2005. Everything worked great and was so easy. I guess there have been many changes since 5.0, because I am completely lost.Is there a simple procedure to accomplish this in 8.0? All I can get it to do is save the form data to a file. I would download both forms from the IRS as fillable forms. Thanks, Keith P.S. 5.0 had toolbar icons to switch documents from creating fillable form fields, to actually typing text into these same fields. It was very easy to switch back and forth. Looks like that has all changed too!

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
There really isn't any difference in how you transfer data with Acrobat 8 from how you used to do it in Acrobat 5. Just the Acrobat GUI is different. Now I'm assuming that you exported the form data to an FDF file on your local hard drive and then imported the FDF file into the new form. This is the standard technique used with Acrobat Pro. But it relies on both forms having fields with the same name. If the field names in each form are different all bets are off. In Acrobat 8 Pro, the import/export data menu items are located on the Forms Menu under

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