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Use Adobe Reader's Built-In "Submit Form" Button

Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 19

Hi guys,

I've already built PDF forms with a form field submit button which sends an XFDF to a script on a web server and it works quite well, but I don't like how the button is part of the form. To me it seems poorly integrated. What I would greatly prefer is having the "Submit Form" toolbar submit the form instead. Unfortunately I can't figure out how I can set it up.

The only way I can find to make it appear at all is by using the "Distribute Forms…" functionality in Acrobat Pro 9, but (for some reason which defies my understanding) that doesn't give me the option to submit the form via HTTP.

If this isn't possible I wouldn't be entirely surprised – this is an Adobe product after all, but it seems like an obvious feature to me.

P.S. Sorry if this has already been discussed. I've spent hours searching but can't even find anyone asking this same question.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Macintosh
Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 19
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
Change the Acrobat standard form button to submit to web URL, select PDF, and then make the form have "Reader Enabled Usage Rights".

XFA FORMS(LiveCycle):
Change the button to a normal standard button, select PDF, set the URL, and then make the form have "Reader Enabled Usage Rights".

Make sure you enable "Reader Enabled Usage Rights" AFTER all the changes are made.

The only way people with Free Adobe Reader can submit the entire "PDF" is to have "Reader Enabled Usage Rights" enabled on the PDF. Otherwise, the end-users would need to submit PDF Form Data Formats, FDF-XDP-XFDF-XML; or the users will need to open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat STD/PRO.
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
You could also submit the PDF Form Data, such as, FDF, XFDF, XDP, XML to a script, and the script would then Merge the PDF and the form data. Once the merged form is in a variable, you can save it to a file, database, or send it to the browser for download or save. This way, you don't need to enable usage rights for Adobe Reader users, because, they don't need to submit the entire PDF to the script, just the data.

For more information:
Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 19
Perhaps I'm missing something, or I didn't explain clearly. I already have the XFDF form working, but I don't want to use the ugly and unintuitive buttons that are part of the PDF file. I want to be able to customize the action of Acrobat's "Submit Form" toolbar button.

Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
speed [dot] rob [at] gmail [dot] com wrote:
...but I don't want to use the ugly and unintuitive buttons that are part of the PDF file. I want to be able to customize the action of Acrobat's "Submit Form" toolbar button.
I don't think your able to set the appearance of the default submit button at the top. You might want to create your own submit buttons on the PDF form, and manually set the appearance and action properties yourself.
Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 19
I don't want to change its appearance, I want to change its action. As I've mentioned, I already know how to creta my own submit buttons on the PDF form. I want to know how to change the action of the submit form button to send the XFDF data to the script on my web server rather than sending the PDF to an email address.
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
Instead of using built-in distribution methods in Adobe Acrobat, you may want to go back to the original document, before you created a distribution method, and create a standard submit button on the form, where you set the action to the desired location.
Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 19
Are you saying you don't know how to do it, or that you know that it can't be done?
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
Are you using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe LiveCycle?
Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 19
Acrobat Pro 9.
Registered: Apr 17 2010
Posts: 93
1.Select Forms > Add Or Edit Fields, then select Button from the Add New Field list, and create a button.
2.Double-click the button to open the Button Properties dialog box.
3.Click the Actions tab, and select Mouse Up from the Select Trigger menu.
4.Select Submit A Form from the Select Action menu, and then click Add.
5.In the Submit Form Selections dialog box, type an entry in Enter A URL For This Link:

To send the form data to a web server, enter the destination URL.

To send the form data to an email address, enter mailto: followed by the email address. For example, type mailto:nobody [at] adobe [dot] com.6.Make additional changes to the available options, and then click OK to close the dialog box.
7.Change settings on other tabs in the Button Properties dialog box as needed, and then click Close.

Submit Form Selections options
FDFExports as an FDF file. You can select one or more of the available options: user-entered data, comments, and incremental changes to the PDF file. The Incremental Changes To The PDF option is useful for exporting a digital signature in a way a server can easily read and reconstruct.
Note: If the server returns data to the user in FDF or XFDF format, the server’s URL must end with the #FDF suffix—for example, http://myserver/cgi-bin/myscript#FDF.

HTMLExports as an HTML file.

XFDFExports as an XML file. You can choose to export the form fields data, comments, or both.

PDF The Complete DocumentExports the entire PDF file that is your form. Although this creates a larger file than the FDF option, it is useful for preserving digital signatures.
Note: If the users that fill in the PDF form are using Adobe Reader, you must choose either FDF or XFDF for the Export Format option.

All FieldsExports all form fields even if the form fields do not contain values.

Only TheseExports only the form fields you specify by clicking Select Fields and indicating which form fields to include and whether you want to include empty fields.

Convert Date To Standard FormatExports all form dates in a single format, regardless of how they are entered in the form.
Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 19
Registered: Apr 20 2010
Posts: 19
Listen, I appreciate that you're trying to help me… but there's clearly some communication loss going on here. As I've said a number of times, I already know how to do what you're describing.

I don't want you to waste any more of your time.