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User fillable form with insert/import of graphics

Registered: Jan 14 2008
Posts: 2

I am end user and not a developer, but I want to hire an Adobe designer to make me a form.

Very simple form, basically an ID card. Two little items of concern.

1. I want the Adobe Reader user to be able to insert graphics - a photo for the ID card. I read this link, but it was a few years old so I want to know if Adobe Designer is the correct product or if Adobe 8.0 will do this?
I mainly want to know what software and expertise I need to search for, to get this created.

I assume this insert graphic field can be fixed in size on the page, but how would I tell an end user to edit a photo to fit properly? I guess we've got to get down to pixels and/or points? It would be nice if there was some form of guidance and cropping ability in the insert process, but I assume it is simply select a file.

2. The ID card will have a front and back. It will be laminated after printing. It will be for home usage .... so it's got to be somewhat simple. I've noticed Avery and other kits print on one side of the page (front and back of card adjacent), fold over front and back and then laminate. I guess this is the simplest, but any other suggestions? (this is not totally an Adobe question)

Thanks for your time and consideration,


Registered: Dec 31 2005
Posts: 848
Designer is the only product you can use if you want a Reader user to import a button face.

You can set up the form in Designer with the front and back adjacent to each other. After printing trim, fold, and laminate.


The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.