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Using calculated fields in another calculation

Registered: May 14 2010
Posts: 22

How do I correct this? I am using two calculated fields in another calculation. With the example shown below, if I change Field2, Field9 doesn't recalculate.

Field4 = Field 1 + Field 2 + Field 3

Field8 = Field 5 + Field 6 + Field 7

Field9 = Field4 + Field8


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Where exactly is this code located in you form, field, tab and option?

If you are using the Simplified field notation, then you only need to enter:
Field 1 + Field 2 + Field 3
In for the field where you want to sum the fields 1-3.

You may also see a problem where the fields are not calculated in the correct order. This will result in a computed answer showing up for the previous values when a new value is entered into a new field. In this case, you will need to edit the field calculation order for the form.

George Kaiser