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What tools do I need to create...?

Registered: May 17 2007
Posts: 6

In our organization we donot have any forms technology as yet. We are looking at piloting 1-2 forms with the following requirements:

1. User will be guided to fill out the form. Eg. when they make a particular selection the form would show relevant information the user would need to further fill out.

2. Fill out the form in disconnected mode (where connection to central server or internet is not available).

3. Based on type of form automatically route the form to respective department (either by email or workflow)

4. Upload the form information to various applications (eg. HR application, Incident application, etc.)

Initially, we would like to pilot 1-2 forms with a small groups of users. Long term, we may have a capital project have all forms electronically captures, routed and managed.

Adobe offer a number of tools (Adobe Forms, LiveCycle, Distiller, etc.). I am some what confused and am not sure which tools would help us achieve this pilot goals. Any guidance will be much appreciated.

Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 165
This sounds pretty complex for a first project and it sounds like a form consultant may be a good starting place.

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