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Workflow and Routing

Registered: Feb 4 2007
Posts: 102

I asked this previously but need additional clarification. We are researching an enterprise wide solution to Forms and have settled on Adobe 8 as our recommendation, however I need to know what specific products are required for routing with "intelligence." I checked out the White paper Deploying Adobe LifeCycle SW in the enterprise environment, however I need to understand the differences (or what they do) between LiveCycle Forms, LiveCycle Forms Manager, LiveCycle Policy Server, LiveCycle Document Security and LiveCycle Workflow.
What the Enterprise wants is more robust routing than just e-mail and attachments. Is this something that can just be accomplished using Adobe 8.0 on desktops and LiveCycle Workflow on a server, or is more required? If there is a link with product differences/specifications I would gladly check it out.
Thanks in advance,

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Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
Check out [url=][/url] They are authorized to license Adobe Reader Extensions and may be able to solve your routing issues.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Feb 4 2007
Posts: 102
Thanks Eugene.
That product is used for web hosting and retrieval. We are not strictly using web forms. Currently some forms are online but some are on shared division folders and others are in Public Folders within Outlook. Moreover, why would I need to use their service as opposed to using the LiveCycle 7.2 server product? Accorfing to, that includes like 9 other products, including workflow. Am I not understanding workflow correctly?