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Access E-Forms? Filenames?

Registered: Mar 12 2008
Posts: 3

Does anyone use a product named Access Eforms? Basically this program takes information from our medical information system (Meditech) and fills out a form with the patient information and sends it back to my computer screen for e signature.

That piece works fine, I have the signature working, but when it does this, it generates a filename that has nothing to do with the patient, or what kind of form it is, etc. In the form design, I am using two 'delimiters' that are passing the medical record number and form id.

Is there a way to take these delimiters/values and add javascript to Adobe Acrobat and have it name the file? They are really strange too...the program says to use this format when designing the form:

^a& accountnumbervariablegoeshere ^a&
^d& documenttypegoeshere ^d&

These are supposed to be used with "Image Portal" (which is a piece for Meditech's scanning and archiving capabilities--which we won't have until May or June, but we want to start using E-sig), but I didn't know if these could somehow be used with Adobe Acrobat?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Yes, there are things you can do with JavaScript. Acrobat JavaScript includes functions for saving a PDF to a specific name and functions for handling digital signatures.

But, since you are using a system developed for a specific purpose, you will need to talk to the verdor. Anything you do in this area may interfere with your existing workflow, or future updates.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Mar 12 2008
Posts: 3
That makes sense...but really, once the PDF is generated, it is already done with the processes from the other software... so it should be okay. I'm trying to configure Adobe to help me rename the end product so that it can be filed away (at a later time) to our Meditech software (the patient's electronic chart, basically).

I also realized something after I posted my question, so this may not work at all. Is there a way to configure Adobe so that those JavaScript settings take affect for each PDF that is sent from Access E-Forms? (When a patient is registered, once the admissions clerk files their information in the software, the PDF appears on the screen with the form and the patient's information filled out on it, and ready to review and sign...)

Unless there's a way to configure Adobe to set up each PDF that comes across that way, this won't work :( But it's really neat that Adobe has that kind of capability, I didn't know that until I started trying to find a way to do this.

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You could write an Acrobat Automation script to sign the document and save it to location and file name of your choosing.

This would be a button in Acrobat that is created from JavaScript in the users local Acrobat JavaScript Folder. The user would push the button to save and sign the file.

Here is a tool for creating toolbar buttons

You'll need to work out the signing code yourself:
Here are links that may help.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script