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Accessing Radio Buttons

Registered: Jan 21 2008
Posts: 8

I have used radio buttons in my forms. When i click on the circle it gets checked. What i am looking for is, the whole area of that radio button should be accessible. i.e instead of just clicking on the circle of the radio button i should be able to click anywhere on that control's area and able to make the selection. Is it possible to do it with live cycle? Can anyone help me with this issue? Thanks

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 21 2008
Posts: 8
Kindly reply to this issue
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
That is not how check boxes or radio buttons work in Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer or even MS Word. But if you want to make them work that way, put a button over the check box or radio button and then add the necessary code to the button to manipulate the check box or radio button. Do not have any fill or border colors for the button so the button does not hide the check box or radio button.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 21 2008
Posts: 8
In Acrobat professional it is possible. Anywhere on the control if you click also selection can be made. Keeping radio button on anyother control and writing javascript code is very much possible. But if there are many radio buttons setting tab order is very difficult by this approach. Thank you for your reply.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Your are asking about LiveCycle Designer which includes a description field for most the form fields unlike Acro Forms.In AcroForms the Radio Button and Check Box fields do not have a text description. When the "circle" option is selected, there is just a small square for the field object. When I create a radio button in LiveCycle Designer the ability to select the button when within the square boundary around the bottom still works. But the button is so very small it is hard to see the encompassing square.Try zooming to 125% and hover over the button and when the square boundary appears, click just outside the circle and within the square and you will see that LiveCycle actually works like AcroForms.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 21 2008
Posts: 8
As you said there is caption part and rest of portion is radio button control. But If you carefully observe, you can set the caption property to none so that only radio button is visible. sametime that area of option button can be extended. It will look like any other radio button control with a rectangle and radio button (Circle) at the center. But outside that rectangle also there will be enough space in that control just like any other radio button control. But in livecycle this portion is not accessible. In Acrobat Professional it is very much possible. Thanks