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Acrobat does not allow connection to:

Registered: Apr 7 2011
Posts: 2

After a recent update to Reader X (unsure if this is related), I am having trouble with my email submit buttons. I am using a submit button set to submit PDF (not data). The submit to URL is blank (simply "mailto:"), which has worked to call up Outlook for Microsoft Exchange. In the past I have had no problem, it readily opened a new email with the Reader-enabled PDF attached and an empty "to" box.
Recently, the submit button has not been working (Reader X, IE browser viewer, Google Chrome browser viewer). It just gives a message saying Submit Cancelled" or "Acrobat does not allow connection to: mailto:".
Interestingly this submit button still does work with Acrobat (which only a few employees have, most have Reader. So we really need this to work with Reader).
Do you have any suggestions?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 7 2011
Posts: 2
After looking at a few other posts (, it appears that Adobe's new security patch is preventing submit buttons from working. Is there a script that we can use internally in the form, or perhaps use Group Policy to push it to the users? Much needed help...