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Adding attachments on Livecycle designer form guide

Registered: Jan 11 2010
Posts: 2

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to add attachments via form guide. In the pdf form, attachments can be added by pressing the paper clip button on the left side. I am wondering how can that be done in form guide



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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
This is a pretty deep question. You're going to need to find a LiveCycle Form Guides expert. The Form Guides are actually ActionScript and run in the Flash runtime. There is of course a connection between the Acrobat Enviroment and the Flash, but I don't know if any of it is documented, or well documented. You'll need a way to from the guide to trigger JavaScript execution in Acrobat, which can be used to do the actual file import. There are however several security issues with this that might become a problem, and I doubt this would work in Reader.

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Thom Parker
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[url=][b]The Console Window (Video tutorial)[/b][/url]
[url=][b]The Console Window(article)[/b][/url]

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