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Adding page numbers

Registered: Jun 20 2007
Posts: 47

I noticed that there are lots of threads addressing page numbers but they don't specifically pertain to Adobe LiveCycle Designer. Currently, I have v8.0 running on WinXP.

So I am creating a document that will be anywhere from 25-45 pages long and I don't have a clue how to add page numbers i.e. something that will specify page "x of y" at the footer.

How do I go about doing this? Do I create a textField at the bottom of the master page or does it go on a subform in the design view that spans the entire document? What is the script and under what event?

At this juncture I want to add that the XDP is slurped in by an application, that populates some of the fields and spews out the document (which can be anywhere from 25-45 pages long) into a PDF format after which no successive additions are made.

Cliff Notes:
- How do I add page numbers that will be generated sequentially as the document expands? I have Adobe LiveCycle 8.0

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 4 2007
Posts: 27
Hi, I don't know if this helps.

In the Library in Designer 7.1.2 there is a tab called Custom. U nder the Custom tab, there is a 'page n of m' object. This shows the current page number and total page count. You would add this to the Master Page and it will calculate the page numbers for you.

Does v8.0 have this? If not I could send you the code.
Registered: Jun 20 2007
Posts: 47
Thanks Helen,

I did try that but there is no way for me to change the script if I use that library function. It appears in the form of "Sheet # of ##" and it starts with a zero.

I need to change the wording to "Page # of ##" and have the count start at one.

If you have the code I'd really appreciate it.
Registered: Jun 20 2007
Posts: 47
Ah I found the page # of ##.

Time to look for a way to extract the page number.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Highlight the field for "Sheet # of ##" or "Page # of ##" and look at the text, there should be a formula for the computation.

There is also a "Scripting Reference" under LiveCycle Designer's "Help" menu bar option.

Many counts begin at zero like page number.

Current page:
Total Pages:

George Kaiser